Test your musical-theatre knowledge in our quiz-cum-cabaret... and win some Sondheim goodies!
Quizn't It Rich? is the Stephen Sondheim Society's long-awaited, much-anticipated quiz night. Part fund-raiser, part quiz, part cabaret, this fun evening will put your musical theatre smarts to the test – and don't worry, it won't be all about Sondheim!
You can play in teams of up to six players, or just turn up and be assigned to a team. Hey, you make make new friends! There's a first prize of £100 for the winning team, plus – in a final twist – the members of the winning team will compete to win a poster, signed by Stephen Sondheim himself! Priceless!
So sign up now and secure your place! Oh, and there's a prize for Best Team Name, so come on, you Quiz-team Daaés and Les Quizerables – show us what you're made of!
Society quiz night!
Phoenix Artist Club
1 Phoenix Street
London WC2H 8BU
Beneath the Phoenix Theatre
Monday 4th November, 7.30–9.30 pm
Please note that the Phoenix is a basement bar and currently inaccessible for wheelchair users